Our Approach
A group of idealistic change makers, who are ready to see more of the good and less of the bad, one person at a time.
Our Story
Every foundation has a beginning, and ours started long ago. The simple concept of separating us as a race or dividing us as a society, has been in the works for many years.
Over time, this has been more and more apparent in our day to day actions.
Endless Wars, sport teams, color, language, age, gender, sexual preference, pronouns, countries, cities, jobs the lists could go on, as they have all took their stab at separating us.
Think about it, they’ve done it with ease. We’ve let it happen. As if we were all asleep as they continued to mold our own minds with their hands. With their media, with their lies.
We are in need of a team.
A team with no leaders, a team only with partners. With One unified goal.
We are protectors. Some call us sh$# disturbers, while others realize we are just protecting our mother. Our land. Our home for the time being. Our sanity, and our well being.
We live amongst the stars. Yet, feel although it is your birthright, to enjoy this realm as much as possible while you are here with us.
Please dig deeper, and realize that this life is possible.
Not just between ten am and eleven am every Sunday morning, but every single day, every single breath.
Join us in growing, learning, teaching and creating.
What a time to be alive.
Who are we?

Just like you, we are made up of six elements that make up almost 99% of the mass of us humans. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and prosperous. With only about .085% composed of another five elements such as, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All eleven are essential for life. Call us crazy, but Since roughly 60-70% of our bodies are made up of water, we feel it is necessary to protect it.
What are we made up of?

If you dream another world is possible, it can be. Even if you like the situation you currently are in, there is still room for a better world. Lets keep striving to be better. As we know, it all starts with U, but you are also part of a team. Program yourself to include everyone in this walk of life.

It has been said that actions speak louder than words. Make your actions count. If you don’t agree with something, don’t take part of it. If you want to change something, help change it.
Show up.