There you go. Settle in. It’s nice to be sharing this space with you. If even for a moment.
Thank you.
Whether you are just starting to break through the fog or have always had totally clarity, We appreciate you coming this far. Curiosity and critical thinking has gotten you here, and If it resonates, stay. Share. engage, teach, perhaps even learn! Wouldn’t that be a cool exploring journey?! Stick around and check out one of the multiple links on this platform. More to be added with more contributions from our writers.
What does joining the team as an Ambassador entail? Not too much, basically not being an @sshole! We both, you and I, are sure you are already 100% capable of doing that! I’ll try my best to do the same. The idea is to raise the bar for human kind. We can do this by simply joining together with intention! Now is the time to practice Mindfulness.
I had hoped i would not have to say this, but the world changed a lot since just before 20/20. The year 2020 was supposed to be a year of clarity. Just months before, the human awareness was coming alive. Humans all around were rising up towards their governments. Something was needing to be said from many different groups across the world. If you were awake, you could feel the shift coming.
People were rising. It was happening in Canada, it was happening in Hong Kong, Venezuela, people were standing up in the U S of A, Russia, China small groups were also starting to form. From East to West, North to South there was a beat of drum starting to come alive. The indigenous warriors and spirits where coming through. A heartbeat. A new world was coming to be, and we were not wanting to leave anyone behind.
It had to be through the death of the old one. It also had to get Dark and ugly before it could get better. The plan couldn’t just end because a few people had something to say…
So, Just like that, a world wide disaster would be announced. With one last push forward the evils of darkness struck. All the little groups that were starting to organize would find their way to shelter. To isolation. World wide Pan, -some say Plan- demic. World Wide Genocide. People so scared to die, that they were forgetting to live.
The once loud voices, now muzzled.
It became a spiritual war. One built on energy and power.
What ever you want to call it, over time, the evil was starting to expose itself. Deep rooted Deals, Corruption. Bad bad things. Things no one should experience on this realm, and its because of this darkness the Warriors that are needed, continue to stand. Out of love in the Purest form. Remaining the eye in the face of the storm.
We are not here to connect the dots for you, but we will over time agree that we are here to love. A simple love not war mentality. Hungry for knowledge. Hungry for truth. Debates while holding Unity.
We want to be here by your side as we start shifting into this new frequency we are about to experience in this 3D/5D existence. Team Mates. All across this beautiful planet our mother Earth has allowed us to enjoy. Learning culture, while exploring thoughts, sexual and natural energy, crystals, souls, numerology, elements, skills, jokes, yoga, chakras, photography, neuroscience, astral travel, language and much more!
As a collective, we can co-create an entirely new world. Connecting on many different levels. One where all of our vibrations speak higher and more vibrant than ever. The fast paced stressful world that we once knew will soon start to vanish. If and when we all lift up into a higher, lighter frequency and slow things down, even just a touch, a harmonious ascension could be achieved.
We have forgotten what it is to have our liberties. Always on such busy schedules, keeping up in this rapid world, can leave very little time for you to enjoy this realm we live on. Together, let us work smarter, not necessarily harder. Searching and striving for break free solutions from the once traumatic system, while continuing to build a stronger system as we enter into new earth.
Remembering to stay on the correct side of history. Always striving for a better safe place for us all to enjoy, not only now, but seven generations or more down the road. Never forgetting keep our freedoms while the Divine pendulum begins to swing the other way. Soul Warriors Unite. Enjoy the show.